Setting up Welcome

Setting up the channels and message for both welcome & leave events

When setting up help messages, you can use embedsetup to easily generate scripts/codes that are compatible with serenity.

Creating a welcome channel

  1. Head over to your Discord Server

    Click on the Discord Server that you would like to setup welcome for using serenity.

  2. Create the channel

    Setup permissions for the channel with the desired name, for this example we will be using #welcome

Creating an Embed and setting the Welcome Channel

  1. Creating the Welcome Embed

    Run the [prefix]embedsetup command to create the welcome embed which you can use variables with, for more information regarding variables click here.

  2. Setup the Welcome Channel

    Run the [prefix]welcome add command which will give you further information.

// Syntax
[prefix]welcome add [channel] [code]

// Example
[prefix]welcome add #welcome {embed}{title: Welcome!}$v{author:{}}

Creating Temporary Welcome Embeds

To create a temporarly welcome Embed you just need to add to your embed code folllowing param: $v{delete: seconds}

// Example
[prefix]welcome add #welcome {embed}{description: test}$v{delete: 5}

Remove Welcome Embeds

If you wish to remove the welcome system from a channel, or you want to remove all embeds on the current server you can run:

// Remove a specific Welcome Embed
[prefix]welcome remove #welcome

//Remove all Welcome Embeds from the Server
[prefix]welcome reset

Last updated